General physician in Gudivada

Department of General Medicine

A doctor specializing in general medicine deals with various diseases and consults a specialist if an in-depth opinion is required. 

Below are a few of the facilities we provide under general medicine in our multispeciality hospital in medicine.

  • Blood sugars that are too high, diabetic ketoacidosis, and diabetic coma are just a few of the complications that may result from diabetes. We cater to diabetic patients at our hospital.
  • Center of Excellence for Hypertension and Hypertensive Emergencies (rapid Response) Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are thyroid gland disorders that affect the body’s metabolism. We also have the best thyroid specialists in gudivada.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Severe joint pain infront of SLE / Sjogrens.
  • Many infectious diseases may be checked for and treated here, including Malaria, Dengue fever, Typhoid, and viral fevers. Headaches, strokes, epilepsy, and tingling in the feet are just a few of the conditions that may be addressed here. Our multispeciality hospital in gudivada is one of the best hospitals for fever and illnesses in gudivada.
  • Occupational ailments such as asbestosis and industrial illnesses such as bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are all well-managed at this hospital. This prescription is most effective in treating gastrointestinal and liver issues, such as stomach pain, ulcers, diarrhea, and jaundice, among others. All of the above are also treated well at our multi-specialty hospitals in gudivada under expert care.
  • SLE, Scleroderma, and Sjogren’s disease are among the disorders our doctors are skilled at treating. Our team of experts also treats severe backaches, muscle sprains, and collagen vascular illnesses (such as arthritis).
  • Anemia and low platelet counts are among the blood illnesses treated most effectively at our clinic. Electrolyte imbalances, such as hyponatremia (low sodium) and hyperkalemia (high potassium), are readily addressed by our team of medical professionals.